“My father wants me to have everything he did not have when he was a boy”.
“What didn’t he have?”
“All ‘"A’s" on his report card”.
Mother: “I sent my little boy for one kilo of plums and you only sent 800 grams.
Grocer: “My scales are all right, madam. Have you weighed your little boy?”
“Why do they call the language we speak our mother-tongue?” asked the son.
“Because fathers so seldom gets a chance to use it,” replied his dad.
“It’s not fair,” said the youngest kid, bursting into tears. “Daddy’ll win easily.”
Judge: “The last time I saw you, I told you that I didn’t want to see you here again”.
Accused: “That is what I tried to tell these policemen, your Honour, but they would not believe me.”
“Hey,” the tourist said to the mountaineer, “Your son just threw a rock at me as I passed by.”
“Did it hit you?”
“Then it wasn’t my son.”
Pupil: “Not a bit.”
Mother: ‘Why are you crying?’
Sally: ‘Because I fell and hurt myself.’
Mother: ‘When did that happen?’
Sally: ‘About twenty minutes ago.’
Mother: ‘But you’ve only just started crying.’
Sally: ‘I know. Earlier, I thought you’d gone out.’
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